In this course I designed a Prototype for an app with Adobe XD. The focus was the user interface design. The main idea of the app was the exchange of time and goods OR time & time, goods & goods and vice versa.

We all know that: Stuff we have enough. And by chance there is someone who needs exactly the good which for us is redundant. That’s called Ebay – ok, we know that. But what’s more unique about that app, is that we can search for people with certain skills.

Imagine a single mother who received her new washing machine, but doesn’t know how to install it. In the app she can search for someone nearby to help her and in exchange she could offer a good or a skill. All together it’s about getting familiar with not using money as a currency, but time.

I created wireframes, a persona and examined the current app supply in this field in Germany. Before starting to build the screen designs and prototype, I created a styleguide (on the right).

My personal highlight is the navigation bar. The wave-like style creates a feeling of lightness and flow. Which in my opinion fits the energy, that the idea of the app brings with it. And it gives a unique touch to the design which guarantees recognisability. 

The following video is a recording of a user, who emphasised with the role of the single mother searching for someone in the app to help her wit the installation (mentioned above). The user clicks through the prototype to fulfil the task and attain the goal of finding s.o. with the required skills.